Amazing view on our Blue Rag & Billy Goats weekend.

Recently there has been a very healthy trip calendar with a variety of trips being run to many and varied destinations.  Trip types have been varied, so there has been something to suit everyone’s taste.  Day trips, weekend camping trips, extended touring trips & base camp trips as well as our two catered weekend social functions held at the Wymah Reserve.  These trips have been well attended with some having a waiting list to participate.  These are some of the highlights & lowlights.

Obviously this is us at the Dargo Pub.


Trig point on Billy Goat Bluff Track.



Wonnangatta Valley.



What goes up  -  must go down.


We do enjoy water crossings!


Our Address

Albury-Wodonga 4WD Club Inc
PO Box 1105
Albury NSW 2640