Latest News
Hello Members,
To view the DECEMBER ISSUE of the Club magazine, please visit the Club's Facebook page. Alternatively, please ring me and I will email a copy to you.
As usual, printed copies of the magazine will be available at the general meeting on Tuesday night. See you there.
Lyn Bryant
Since 1999 Albury Wodonga 4WD Club has supported the Royal Flying Doctor Service & we are acknowledged as an Honorary Member of the RFDS. Below is a message from the CEO of the South Eastern Section.
Dear Members,
Four weeks ago, communities in Far West NSW were hit by a severe storm. This resulted in over 10,000 properties being left without power, and in some cases telecommunications and internet, while facing days of soaring temperatures. It was such a disruptive event that the State and Commonwealth governments declared the storm a natural disaster.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to our generous supporters who have donated to help us be there for these communities as they needed us. Because of caring supporters like you, we have been able to:
- Open our Wellbeing Place as one of the first facilities after the storms so support was ready and available
- Provide home visits and physical and emotional support to the most vulnerable and;
- Provide around-the-clock emergency and medical support to the many communities impacted by the outage.
Hello Members,
To view the November issue of the Club magazine, please visit the Club's Facebook page. Alternatively, please ring me and I will email a copy to you.
As usual, printed copies of the magazine will be available at the general meeting on Tuesday night. See you there.
Lyn Bryant
More Than Just 4WDing

As much fun as 4-wheel driving is, it’s only part of this great Club. The social side of the Club is awesome, with supper after Monthly meetings, plus social events like our annual Hotdog night & night drive, Movie nights, even Karaoke night and a Christmas party. It’s a big Club with loads of opportunity to meet new friends who all have something in common with you, a love of a 4WD.
Over recent months there have been many Club trips which have led numerous trip leaders. These have ranged from one day drives & weekend camping trips to longer trips further afield for three weeks’ & longer.
We’ve experienced mud, dust, snow, rain, river crossings & desert sand. We have enjoyed sunny days, starry night skies, waterfalls, outback ruins, sand dunes, campfires & camp oven cooking plus many good times and yarns around the campfire. Not to forget, formed many fantastic lasting memories.
These trips are always great, but it’s the friendship & camaraderie of our fellow club members which make for great fun times.
Four Wheel Drive Victoria Social Media & Website
Did you know Four Wheel Drive Victoria has both a public Facebook and Instagram page? Both pages are updated almost daily and contain plenty of useful information that may be missed otherwise.
Links to both sites are included below.
Have You Logged In Yet?
The Four Wheel Drive Victoria website has a members log in area that many members will be familiar with. In this area you will find all sorts of member resources such as access to Members