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Eustace Creek/Staceys Bridge/Wheelers Hut Camping Weekend

7 vehicles headed off from Bandiana to meet up with one further vehicle at Tallangatta for morning tea and a look at ‘Sandy the war horse’. Off the black top and onto Cravensville Road, kicking up plenty of dust, and we were up into the bush. 3 kms in we aired down ready to get serious. Well, no, not really serious, too many funny buggers in the crew, pointing out the feral cat beside the road, which was of course a massive piece of CAT machinery surrounded by some bushes. You never know what you’re going to see up here.
Read more: Eustace Creek/Staceys Bridge/Wheelers Hut Camping Weekend
Border Track & Murray-Sunset National Park
8 days of challenges & loads of fun
15 members - 9 vehicles
The 380 km Border Track runs from Hopetoun to the Sturt Hwy and finishes just across the border into South Australia at Renmark. As it’s name suggests, the Border Track follows more than 50 km of the fence line marking the boundary between Victoria & South Australia. Its sandy tracks wind through remote sections of both the Wyperfield & Murray-Sunset National Parks, allowing access to some unforgettable mallee-country landscapes. The Track has many challenging sand dunes along its tight & twisting track.
Stringybark Creek Camping Weekend
A small but brave group ventured out for a camping weekend at Stringybark Creek. The wet/cold weather didn’t deter these intrepid campers. The campfire was a necessity and many yarns & laughs were enjoyed sitting by its warmth. We all learned more about the Kelly Gang and checked out the Kelly Tree.
A fun weekend.
Beechworth & Mt Stanley Day Drive
We met at the Wodonga Plant Farm at 8.30 am and after singing a quick Happy Birthday to Yvonne (at her insistence), Jeff gave a brief outline on the drive for the day. I have since discovered that Yvonne’s actual birthday is not until 15th July!
We left and travelled along Beechworth Road and after taking the detour past the strawberry farm we eventually reached Beechworth and went straight to Lake Sambell for morning smoko.
We left Lake Sambell and headed into Beechworth turning towards Stanley. We took the Myrtleford Road and travelled for some 15 kms down the Buckland Gap, eventually having to do a U turn to turn onto Wells Boundary Track.
Mt Benambra Day Trip
First day post daylight savings and it was a cracker. Beautiful blue sky, perfect autumn temperature, and a full crew ready to hit the mountains. Sandy and Jenny led the way, with Doug at the back, making sure no-one was left behind.
Most of the crew met at Albury Homemaker Centre, where we headed off to meet a couple more travellers at Talgarno. From there it was on to Mt Granya.
As we set off from Talgarno, a wag on the UHF made a comment about the unfortunate turtle in the middle of the road, “Perhaps if he’d used BP instead of Shell, he might have made it to the other side.”
Wandiligong to Harrietville Day Trip
The meeting point for the day’s trip was the Area Theatre, Bandiana. Everyone was eager for a good 4WD trip and, after a brief run down on the trip (with particular emphasis on the importance of convoy procedure and looking after your vehicle), we headed off through Allans Flat and onto Myrtleford. Nine vehicle formed the convoy and two more vehicles
Green Creek Gold Battery
A small group of Club members conducted the Club's annual tidy up around the battery today.
Installed in 1884, the battery is one of the most intact sites of its kind and age in Victoria.
The Club is proud of its continued involvement at the site.